Sunday 25 September 2011

New service coming soon...

Something new:

Have any message you like piped onto your cupcakes!

Hmmm think of all the possibilities....


Fräulein Meier

Thursday 22 September 2011

Gobo Fraggle said

Well, when the path is steep and stony and the
night is all around
And the way that you must take is far away
When your heart is lost and lonely and the map
cannot be found
Here's a simple little spell that you can say:

You've got to face facts, act fast on your own
Preparation, perspiration, dynamite determination
Pack snacks, make tracks all alone
Don't be cute. Time to scoot. Head out to your

Chase the future, face the great unknown.

- Jim Henson

Thursday 15 September 2011

Logo Disc Success

I just received this photographic evidence of my Mini Cupcakes with Logos in action!
Oh my they are so cute!

Thanks to the people @Herdt-Verlag!

Wednesday 14 September 2011

girly cupcakes

just finished those...

cute & girly just like the girls over at Hispania Flamencoschool!

I know, I'm really bad at photoshop. Don't ask...

Fräulein Meier

Thursday 8 September 2011

Lovely Wedding Pastels

Just before the weekend!
Lovely HeavenlyVanilla Cupcakes in pastely colours. Perfect for a Wedding!

Fräulein Meier

Friday 2 September 2011

Mixed Lovelies

Yeah I know huge ginormous posting gap between London and this..

I've been such a busy bee!

Had my first day baking at a bakery today, yeah a real one!! Oh my and yes I did manage to burn some Cupcakes, ah well.

And overfill some others.

Never mind.

I was far too excited about the reALLY profesh oven. You know one of those where you fit in MANY trays at once.

Fixed some bits and bobs.

Mr. Boyfriend made me a new Homepage :
I LOOOVE the customise page...

And I made those. A while ago but still nice to look at.